Lord Michael Dobbs
Author of House of Cards trilogy

What an extraordinary festival you have created. I have never been to a better organized, more fun literary occasion. I feel I learned far more than I gave. We were delighted to be part of your magic. Thank you so much for including us.

David Ebershoff
Author of The Danish Girl

Many thanks for including me in this year’s RMWF. You put on an incredible show and it is the best organized, most upbeat, and enthusiastically supported festival I’ve ever attended. It was an honor to be a part of it and you should be very proud of what you have created in three short years.

Marvin Kalb
Author of Imperial Gamble

The best Writers Festival in the United States.

Victoria Kastner
Author of Hearst Ranch

Last night’s wonderful party will be my closing memory of this inspiring festival. It has been a marvelous celebration of words, art, beauty, and friendship.

Jodi Kantor and Ron Lieber
Author of The Obamas (Kantor) and author of The Opposite of Spoiled (Lieber)

We can’t thank you enough for masterminding that great festival, inviting us to share our work, planning event after great event, and even arranging a snowstorm so we could stay a few extra days. Seriously, we wish everyone treated authors the way you and your crew do. We were stunned by the beauty of Rancho Mirage, impressed by the professionalism of the event, and so happy to make new friends among the authors and guests.

Beth Macy
Author of Factory Man

Thanks so much for a wonderful festival experience. You did a remarkable job — that was a LOT of excellent content you packed into a short, exciting few days. My favorite part was getting to know people like Hampton Sides better, and having late-night conversations with journalists doing some really important, top-level work. Writing from Roanoke, Va., I don’t often get to delve into such interesting work conversations with people like Bill Cohan, and Jodi Kantor and Ron Lieber, with whom we had dinner with on our last night. Great hearts and brains, those guys! Thank you deeply for giving me that experience.

Molly Guptill Manning
Author of When Books went to War

I just wanted to thank you for hosting such a wonderful literary festival! It was so well-organized, the library was a beautiful venue, and you could not have been more generous or welcoming. It was such a treat to see Sunnylands and your home — from the beginning to end, the festival was just fantastic. Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of it.

Andrew Roberts
Author of Napoleon: A Life

Rancho Mirage is set fair to become the finest literary festival in the United States of America.

Hampton Sides
Author of In the Kingdom of Ice

What an embarrassment of riches, this caliber of writers.

Dave Barry
Author of You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty

Wonderful program. Wonderful audience.